The objective of Groeneveld Castle is to once again reconnect town and country-side. To achieve this, debates, events and exhibitions are arranged. The castle was built in the first half of the 18th century. The main house, the orangery and the coach house were in need of a thorough renovation to meet the future. The coach house has been transformed into a pleasant restaurant, the orangery serves as an office and the main house has a spacious reception area and various exhibition spaces. We worked intensively on the plan for the renovation with the architects of TenBrasWestinga and the Monument Conservation Agency. Historical elements have been restored and new elements have been carefully added.
Fotografie: Christiaan de Bruijne
Projectteam Studio Groen+Schild:
Ellen Schild, Wilfred van Westerhuis, Tine Groen, Thijs Bongers